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19/04/2015 | Manchettes

Taz commente son départ de la TNA

WWE: Ross commente les rumeurs sur son retour / Bonne nouvelle pour les abonnés de Vidéotron / Sting dans un DVD de la WWE
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L’ancien annonceur Taz a commenté son départ de la TNA dans le plus récent épisode du “Human Podcast Machine”.

Il affirme avoir demandé à la TNA de le libérer. On parle donc d’une séparation à l’amiable.

Taz souligne que son contrat se terminait à la fin de l’été. Il croit avoir accompli plusieurs choses à la TNA, mais ajoute avoir grandement bénéficié de ce partenariat.

“My contract was ending in the summer of this year. I was looking to do other things and move on. I felt like I accomplished a lot in TNA, and TNA accomplished a lot with me. In defense to them, they wanted me to stay.”

Taz mentionne également qu’il était bien traité par la TNA, croyant toutefois que son salaire aurait pu être plus élevé.

L’ex-lutteur et commentateur avoue que sa relation avec Josh Matthews – qu’il a connu à la WWE – n’est pas très bonne depuis quelques années mais, précise-t-il, ce n’est pas la raison de son départ. Taz indique que dans le ring, il a parfois affronté des lutteurs qu’il déteste dans la vraie vie mais qu’ensemble, ça donnait tout de même de très bons matchs.

“Did we have a fallout? Yes we had a fallout. Did it have anything to do with me leaving TNA? No. Why can’t two guys have an argument, or disagree, or end a friendship and people gotta speculate that’s why they left?”

“I’ve wrestled guys that hated me, personally. And I’ve hated some of them. And we went out and had magic, and wrestled and drew money, and busted our ass and took care of each other. I’ve wrestled many guys that didn’t like me. It’s called business. While I was working with Josh I had zero problems with him.”

Taz confirme que la TNA payait bel et bien ses employés en retard et que ça a pesé dans la balance lorsqu’il a pris la décision de quitter.

“My check was late, and I had to do what I had to do. The company was understanding in that. They understood my position. They were very professional, very kind, very understanding – business is business. This is how I pay my bills and I feed my family, for over 20 years.”

“It’s well documented – and it seems like they’re fixing that now – that my funds were not arriving to the house, and were very late. I did a service, I wasn’t paid for that service. I gave them a notice – they knew ahead of time that I wasn’t going to come, and they were awesome about it. They were apologetic about it.”

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WWE: Ross commente les rumeurs sur son retour / Bonne nouvelle pour les abonnés de Vidéotron / Sting dans un DVD de la WWE
A New Day: la WWE raciste? / Shane Helms joint la TNA