La WWE sera aux côtés de Vince McMahon dans sa poursuite contre Janel Grant, une ex-employée qui l’a accusée d’avoir eu des inconduites sexuelles à son endroit.
Dans un document légal, la WWE conteste les allégations de Grant. Le dossier n’ira pas en cour, mais dans plutôt un processus de médiation.
John Laurinaitis, un des anciens dirigeants de la WWE, est aussi impliqué dans ce dossier.
Voici un extrait de la réponse originale de la WWE.
“Plaintiff Janel Grant brings this action against Vincent K. McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE alleging that, while employed at WWE, she was subjected to physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and sex trafficking by McMahon and Laurinaitis. WWE disputes Grant’s allegations. But, as a threshold matter, this dispute cannot be heard in court because Grant agreed to arbitrate her claims. WWE therefore moves to compel this action to arbitration.
Simply put, Grant has no claims actionable in this Court because the separation and non-disclosure agreement she signed with McMahon and WWE (the “Agreement”)—the monetary benefits of which she concededly accepted and retained—contains an arbitration provision that unambiguously precludes this Court from adjudicating her claims.”