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17/12/2021 | Manchettes

Match de 60 minutes à Dynamite: Bully Ray louange le grand talent de Bryan Danielson

De grandes ambitions pour FTR
Bron Breakker rêve d'affronter Brock Lesnar

danielson page

Sur les ondes de Busted Open Radio, Bully Ray – alias Bubba Ray Dudley – soutient que Bryan Danielson a grandement aidé Hangman Adam Page à pouvoir brlller tout au long de leur match de 60 minutes mercredi, à Dynamite.

Bully Ray félicite Page pour avoir pu suivre Danielson durant ce véritable marathon.

Mais il insiste sur l’importance du “phantom gear” – inventé par Kurt Angle – , qui est en quelque sorte l’habileté à pousser la machine encore plus loin, avec davantage de profondeur et d’énergie en réserve. Il ajoute que Danielson – le vrai leader de ce match – a permis à Page de reprendre son souffle de temps à autres.

“I think the props to Hangman is the fact that he was able to keep up with Danielson. I can just hear the AEW fans now, ‘Oh, what is Bully Ray talking about?’ Bryan Danielson has what’s called the phantom gear.

“The phantom gear was invented by Kurt Angle. It’s this sixth gear that very, very, very few have. It’s the ability to go deep into a match where most guys are blown to the gills and then go faster.

“Go smarter, go harder, go everything, and Danielson has it. There were times in that match where I saw Hangman, he needed to take an extra breath which is totally fine. He’s in deep water with Danielson once you get past that half-hour mark and now you got another half-hour to go.

“If you’re not used to that it’s brutal, brutal! It’s brutal on the mind first because you know you’re breathing heavy and I’m not saying that Hangman was breathing heavy, I’m just saying he needed to get a breath.

“You looked at Danielson and he looked fresh as a daisy. Danielson, smart worker, allows Hangman to get that breath, takes Hangman, boom hits that next gear. Allowing Hangman to take that extra breath allows Hangman to hang with him in that next gear.”



De grandes ambitions pour FTR
Bron Breakker rêve d'affronter Brock Lesnar