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03/09/2021 | Manchettes

Finn Balor rêve de joindre NXT UK

Tony Khan confirme que AEW Dark sera enregistré aux Universal Studios
GCW : une "spinner belt" pour Matt Cardona


Finn Balor. qui a été récemment transféré à Smackdown après un séjour réussi à NXT, a confié qu’il aurait préféré joindre NXT UK.

Avant le début de la pandémie, Balor avait amorcé une rivalité avec Walter, alors champion de NXT UK. Un événement TakeOver devait avoir lieu en Irlande, mais les plans ont bien sûr été modifiés.

En entrevue pour BT Sport, Balor exprime davantage sa volonté de lutter dans la branche britannique de NXT.

Il a apprécié sa présence surprise à NXT UK il y a environ deux ans. Balor mentionne qu’au départ, il devait revenir au sein de cette division afin d’affronter éventuellement Walter. Il aurait aimé aider cette division à augmenter sa visibilité.

“The surprise appearance at NXT UK about two years ago was something that I was really excited about. It wasn’t going to be a one-off. It was going to be a regular thing. We were building towards a match with WALTER, it got taken away from us by the pandemic. It’s something I’m still super invested in. Believe it or not, before I return to SmackDown, I could feel the run at NXT coming to an end and I’d kind of exhausted all the resources there too. The guys that I could wrestle against and that I actually pitched the idea of moving to NXT UK, and obviously him, that might’ve been a little bit of a bold move on maybe a bold pitch, but I felt like, you know, not only like challenge myself against guys like Ilja, WALTER, A-Kid, Jordan, but you know, help the brand the same way I tried to help NXT… But, the office had a different opinion on that. They wanted me on SmackDown.”

Balor soutient que NXT UK progresse très bien et certains de ses lutteurs sont parmi les meilleurs au monde. Il apprécie le caractère plus “pur” ou “brut”. Balor espère un retour dans les salles plus grandes pour NXT UK.

“Seeing that brand grow, it’s incredible. Some of those guys are some of the best in the world on that, like you said, it’s a more, I don’t want to use the word ‘pure,’ but it’s a more, definitely a raw or mat-wrestling based on that. Some of these guys are really talented that have a huge team. So, it’s great to see the ground grow at the seat of breath and grow. And then, you know, hopefully, we’ll get the funds back in the UK soon too, and that no offense to the BT studios, but if we can get, feel that having people will get us back in places like Blackpool, or Wembley and, you know, be incredible.”



Tony Khan confirme que AEW Dark sera enregistré aux Universal Studios
GCW : une "spinner belt" pour Matt Cardona