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29/12/2019 | Manchettes

Bray Wyatt complimente Daniel Bryan

Un combat de la WWE sur FOX pour célébrer le Nouvel an
Randy Orton blessé hier soir?

daniel bryan bray wyatt

Dans leurs rivalités, les lutteurs rendent rarement hommage à leurs adversaires… du moins en mode personnages.

Bray Wyatt a tenu à louanger son adversaire pour le prochain Royal Rumble, Daniel Bryan, sur Instagram en lui montrant son respect.

Celui qui incarne à merveille The Fiend a tenu à souligner que Bryan est un des meilleurs lutteurs de tous les temps, évoquant notamment son duel contre lui au Royal Rumble de 2014.

Il mentionne qu’en 2014, Bryan se dirigeait alors vers le sommet, soit sa victoire lors du combat principal de Wrestlemania. Wyatt ajoute toutefois qu’en 2020, c’est maintenant à son tour de briller en tant que champion.

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In 2014 I had one of my favorite bouts of my career against Daniel Bryan at The Royal Rumble. Bryan was red hot, it was his time. He went on to main event WrestleMania and become the champ. Deservedly so, Bryan is without a doubt the best I’ve ever been in the ring with. Fast forward to 2020…… The Fiend vs Daniel Bryan at The Royal Rumble. Bryan is like myself in the fact that no one said, “This is a guy we should build our companies future around!”, the first time we walked in the door. WE had to scratch and claw, outwork, out talk, out perform everyone on the pedestal in front of us. Daniel Bryan is one of the greatest of all time. But this is not his time, it’s mine. This is when my name becomes synonymous with the industry I have given my life to. I want to thank you Bryan for the blood we’ve spilled together over the years. But understand, for me, this is my war worth dying for. The choice isn’t mine to make. Good luck #Fiend

Une publication partagée par Windham Rotunda (@thewindhamrotunda) le



Un combat de la WWE sur FOX pour célébrer le Nouvel an
Randy Orton blessé hier soir?