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07/09/2021 | Manchettes

CM Punk rêve de faire équipe avec Sting

Documentaire sur le Smackdown qui a suivi l'attentat du 11 septembre 2001
Cody Rhodes bientôt de retour dans le ring

cm punk sting

Lors du point de presse tenu après All Out, CM Punk a insisté sur sa volonté de faire équipe un jour avec Sting dans le ring.

Sting a d’ailleurs serré la main de Punk, alors que ce dernier venait de vaincre son protégé Darby Allin.

Punk a mentionné que lutter aux côtés de Sting fait partie de sa “bucket list”. Il n’a jamais eu la chance de le côtoyer auparavant en tant que lutteur.

Il parle de potentiels moments “organiques” (naturels), mentionnant que la poignée de main de Sting n’était pas prévue. Punk considère que pour le fan en lui, c’était un geste important. Mais Sting lui a ensuite dit que c’était partagé.

“Without ever having a bucket list, it’d be hard for me to write things down because I’ve done so many cool things, but yeah, that’s one of them, that’s a bucket list thing. It’s an item that I never thought I would, you know, because your brain doesn’t go there. We were never in the same company at the same time with two different generations of wrestlers and you just, you never thought it was possible, and now it is. That’s kind of how I feel about the entire groundswell of AEW as a whole, you know, like you got me, Darby and Sting in a ring and it’s legitimately three different generations, you know?

“It feels like there’s something there and there’s real organic moments here. Like him coming out and shaking my hand. We didn’t talk about that. That wasn’t a planned thing. He came out and he did it. Before I shook his hand, I looked at him and I was like, ‘This means something to a kid like me,’ and he said, ‘It means something to me too, you know?’ That’s, that’s wild to me. That’s the playground we have here, where we could do all the stuff that you didn’t ever think was possible.”



Documentaire sur le Smackdown qui a suivi l'attentat du 11 septembre 2001
Cody Rhodes bientôt de retour dans le ring