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05/06/2020 | Manchettes

Manifestations anti-racistes: The Rock interpelle Trump

Le contrat de Cole bientôt terminé / Deux lutteurs de NXT transférés?
Un retour surprise pour Todd Pettengill

the rock trump

Alors que les manifestations anti-racistes se multiplient aux États-Unis depuis le décès de George Floyd à Minneapolis, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson se demande pourquoi le président américain Donald Trump n’appuie pas le mouvement “Black Lives Matter”.

Par le biais d’une vidéo sur Instagram, The Rock questionne l’absence du leader américain alors que ce mouvement prend de l’ampleur, exigeant des changemeents dans la société afin que le racisme n’ait plus sa raison d’être.

The Rock rappelle que chaque vie humaine a de la valeur, peu importe la race. Il croit à l’égalité et à l’inclusivité.

“Where are you? Where is our leader? Where are you? Where is our leader at this time, at this when our country is down at it’s knees begging, pleading, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain, begging and pleading it’s arms out just wanting to be heard. Begging and pleading for change. Where are you? Where is our compassionate leader who’s gonna step up to our country who’s down on it’s knees and extend a hand and say, ‘you stand up. Stand up with me. Stand up with me because I got you. I got you. I hear you. I’m listening to you, and you have my word I will do everything in my power to my dying days in my last breath to do everything I can to create the change that is needed to normalize equality because black lives matter.”

“Where are you? It’s that same compassionate leader who has to come back and re-address the country to give important context, to give important perspective on the comments that were just made. Of course, all lives matter. Every single one. All lives matter because we, as Americans, we believe in inclusivity. We believe in acceptance. We believe in human rights. We believe in equality for all. That’s what we believe in. So of course, all lives matter, but in this moment now, this defining, pivotal explosive moment where our country is down on it’s knees, the floorboards of our country are becoming unhinged, in this moment, we must say the words black lives matter.”

The Rock se questionne également sur la présence militaire accrue lors des manifestations. Il a par ailleurs remercié le reste du monde pour la solidarité exprimée à l’endroit du mouvement “Black Lives Matter”.

I want to take a moment to thank the world for standing up with us in our fight for equality, to normalize equality,” The Rock stated. “I want to thank all of these countries around the world, incredible, inspiring beautiful displays of solidarity, and I want you to know something, and I feel confident speaking on behalf of your American brothers and sisters, us through our father, through our smoke, through our fire, through our debris and everything we’re going through right now because there’s a lot happening around us as we’re taking our lumps, don’t think for a second we don’t see you. We see you. We see you. We thank you. We love you.”



Le contrat de Cole bientôt terminé / Deux lutteurs de NXT transférés?
Un retour surprise pour Todd Pettengill