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03/05/2016 | Manchettes

Edge & Christian se moquent de CM Punk / Sami Zayn revient sur son affrontement face à Nakamura / Impact Wrestling ce soir

Aperçu du Raw de ce soir!
Liste des combats à l'horaire ce soir (NXT/RoH/L-U)


Lors de la plus récente parution de l’émission d’Edge & Christian sur le WWE Network, ils ont commentés les débuts de CM Punk dans l’Octogone, qui tarde à arriver:



Sami Zayn a participé au Podcast de Chris Jericho il y a quelques jours, il a entre autre parlé de son affrontement face à Shinsuke Nakamura lors du dernier NXT TakeOver:

On Finding Out About The Nakamura Match: “It was a big match. To be honest with you, as far as how it came about, Hunter just told me, ‘hey, listen. We’ve got this big plan. We might do you and Nakamura.’ I said, ‘cool.’ What I didn’t realize at the time was, again, just because of the timing of it all, that I got called up right before in the build up for it, so, actually, it was going to be my last match [in NXT] for all intents and purposes. I might end up doing another match there, but it was the end of my run in NXT. So yeah, it was pretty much the end of my run in NXT and it was the start of his. And those NXT fans are real smart to these things, so they obviously were excited, with good reason, about Nakamura.” Zayn added, “I actually think it’s one of my best matches maybe ever, like, top five or something. I thought it was really, really good. Just a million variables. I think it was really sophisticated in some ways with certain things that most fans won’t pick up on, but, you know, when it comes to protect the character or build a new character or make someone look good, some of the nuances that only workers or veteran guys or producers or whoever, people that know to look for things would spot. And then on top of that, the crowd was just molten, so it was our match to lose.”

On Not Touching/Working Out Together Prior To The Match: “I think I met him literally once. And we’ve had very parallel careers. He started [at] the same time as me. I think I started two months before him or something. [Him] 14 years, me 14 years. He was in New Japan. I never worked New Japan, so we never worked. We’ve met maybe once. We never touched and I remember Matt Bloom, who’s head of the [WWE Performance Center] now, was saying, ‘hey, maybe you guys want to get in the PC and spar a little or something like that. I don’t want the first time you guys get in the ring ever, the first time you touch, to be at this big match’. And unbeknownst to me, [Nakamura] said the same thing I said, ‘no, no, no, I prefer that’, which is a dangerous thing, but it’s what I know. Yes, I prefer for the first time to be in the show, instead of a ‘hey, lets feel it out in the ring’ [and] feel how this guy moves and stuff. So we ended up putting something together.”

Voici les matchs qui seront diffusés lors d’Impact Wrestling ce soir:

  • Jeff Hardy vs. Mike Bennett
  • James Storm vs. Abyss
  • Championnat KOTM: Bram (c) vs. Eli Drake vs. Jessie Godderz vs. Robbie E vs. Andrew Everett
  • Championnat X-Division: Trevor Lee (c) vs. Mandrews

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Aperçu du Raw de ce soir!
Liste des combats à l'horaire ce soir (NXT/RoH/L-U)