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09/09/2017 | Manchettes

Bobby Roode a failli perdre la passion du sport à la TNA / Alexa Bliss parle d’apparence physique

Nikki dansera avec les étoiles !
Cody Rhodes au Québec ! / AJ Styles surprend ses fans / Des quadruplés pour Christy Hemme


Avant de devenir l’une des grandes vedettes de la NXT, il est de fait connu que Bobby Roode a travaillé pendant plus d’une décennie avec TNA. Par contre cela n’était pas “glorious” tel que le rapporte la nouvelle Superstar de Smackdown live dans une entrevue récente accordé à The Peterborough Examiner ;

“To be honest, when I was with TNA, I just didn’t have the drive any more, I didn’t have the passion,” Roode said about the NXT opportunity. “It was unfamiliar territory to me, because I’ve always loved the business and I’ve always been passionate about it. It was the first thing that I thought of when I woke up, last thing I thought about when I went to bed. I just didn’t have that any more.”

Nous connaissons évidemment le dénouement heureux de cette histoire, c’est à dire une histoire d’amour entre le glorieux Bobby Roode et les fans de NXT. D’ailleurs, dans cette même interview, Roode partage une anecdote à propos de sa chanson thème. Saviez-vous qu’il n’était pas du tout certain du choix de Triple H ?

“Previously, Triple H and I had sat down and talked about what I wanted to do there, and the character, and everything that I wanted to try to do at NXT. He felt that this song fit the character a little better. When I listened to it, I wasn’t really sure what to think about it. It was obviously very different from the song that I originally chose. I thought it could go one of two ways — it could really suck or it could be really great. Obviously it’s been real great. When you get a something like this handed to you and it takes off the way it does, it makes your job a lot easier,” Roode said. “At the same point though to that, I knew that I just couldn’t have a song, the entrance had to go along with it and the performance in the ring had to go along with everything else.”

Encore une fois cela a mené à un autre dénouement heureux pour l’ancien de la NXT qui a choisi d’accueillir à bras ouvert son personnage (et sa chanson thème) pour le plus grand bonheur des fans qu’on entend toujours se joindre à la musique dès les premières paroles.




Dans peu de temps à No Mercy, Alexa Bliss devra faire face à un trio de femme plus que déterminer à lui arracher le titre de championne féminine de Raw. Avec toutes les opportunités que Bliss a eu depuis son départ de NXT, on pourrait croire qu’elle a l’habitude de la confrontation. Pourtant lors d’une apparition sur le podacast de Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia, elle a parlé d’une bataille bien personnelle qui lui a menée la vie dure ; l’anorexie. Bien qu’elle en soit sortie gagnante, plus forte mentalement et physiquement, la déesse de Raw confie combien combattre un trouble alimentaire laisse sa marque;

“I’ve fully accepted the fact that if I’m going to do a career like this, I have to be willing to take criticism, because it’s a part of the job, you know? Any Instagram thing I post, someone’s going to say something, I know that. Anything on Twitter, someone’s going to judge whatever I do, whatever I say, whatever I look like, I understand that. But I also know that if I were to ever read into that and slip back into an eating disorder, my body will not survive another one. I’ve been told that multiple times with how my body reacts to it, I will not survive another one.”

“If I’m a little more heavier, if I’m ever a little thicker, that’s fine because that means I’m stronger. It means I’m not worried about not waking up in the morning, I’m not worried about the amount of calories I’m eating. There’s so many more things to life to worry about than that. Like they say, ‘An eating disorder will always be in the back of your head, you’ll never get rid of it.’ Once its there, its always there.”

Bien dans sa peau et plus forte, Alexa Bliss a de grands rêves, non seulement pour elle-même, mais pour toute la division féminine de la WWE;

“I want to be one of the longest reigning champions and for our women as a whole, even if I’m not in the match, I want us to have a Main Event at WrestleMania. That’s what I want so bad more than anything even if I’m not in the match-I mean I would love to be in the match let’s not get that twisted, but if we could have a Main Event on WrestleMania, that would be the ultimate thing.”




Nikki dansera avec les étoiles !
Cody Rhodes au Québec ! / AJ Styles surprend ses fans / Des quadruplés pour Christy Hemme